
Position in the educational system

These web pages serve as a resource for those writing course syllabuses. The material provided includes general advice and suggestions as well as information about important rules and guidelines for course syllabuses that can be found in both local regulations and the Higher Education Ordinance.


After March 15, Gubas and Convertus can no longer be used to create new syllabuses; you can only use them to view existing syllabuses and reading lists. On April 15, 2024, Gubas Kursplan will be replaced by the national system Ladok. Read more about the transition here (login required). This web resource will be updated in conjunction with the transition.


You can state in free text whether the course is offered within the framework of one or more degree programmes and, if so, whether it is a compulsory or elective course. State whether the course is offered as an independent course and/or offered as contract education.

Specialization (free text)

Describe the course’s classification in relation to the degree requirements for higher education qualifications, Bachelors of Arts and Masters of Arts (60 credits and 120 credits) and also professional qualifications. Also describe whether the course includes a degree project for a certain higher education qualification (specify which).

Specialization (scroll bar)

State the education cycle for the course in accordance with the coding system in the Instructions for Writing Course Syllabuses.
This coding system has been laid down by the Association of Higher Education (SUHF) in national guidelines and applies to both programme and independent courses. The specialization for a course is determined by where it is placed in the course or study programme. SUHF’s recommendations are available here: Rekommendationer för att underlätta studenters möjligheter till rörlighet mellan olika lärosäten i Sverige, december 2008 (pdf)

[Recommendations to make it easier for students to move between different institutes of higher education in Sweden, December 2008] (only available in Swedish)

Main fields of study

State the main field(s) of study for the course, where applicable, and the level of specialised study in the main field according to the recommendations of the Association of Swedish Higher Education Institutions (SUHF). Where a course is not part of any main field of study, just state the level of specialised study of the course. The level of specialised study of the course may not be changed. A new course syllabus with a new course code must be established to offer the course at a different level. New main fields of study may be added in connection with the revision of a course syllabus, but existing main fields of study may not be removed.

More information is available here: Main fields of study (

Degree programmes

The degree programme(s) to which a course is linked is to be stated for courses within degree programmes. This is done using a scroll bar in Gubas Kursplan.