Writing a course syllabus
These web pages serve as a resource for those writing course syllabuses. The material provided includes general advice and suggestions as well as information about important rules and guidelines for course syllabuses that can be found in both local regulations and the Higher Education Ordinance.
PLEASE NOTE: Gubas has been replaced by Ladok
Previously, course syllabuses at GU were created with the tool Gubas. Since April 2024, course syllabuses are instead created in the national system Ladok, which has gained new functionality. The information in this web resource has been revised to match the new functionality.
Each section of the course syllabus corresponds to one of the pages in the menu (which you will find to the left if you are using a computer, or above if you are using a smartphone or tablet) except for the page “Decision and confirmation” which contains several sections. If you click on the item that you are working on, you will find relevant information linked to that part of the course syllabus. The web pages include useful information, advice, suggestions, inspiration, ideas and links to pages that you may find of use.
What is a course syllabus?
A course syllabus is a pedagogic tool for teachers and students. It comprises a description of the course’s content, teaching methods, learning outcomes, examination formats, etc. The course syllabus also provides the basis for a kind of agreement between the student and university about how studies are to be conducted and has an important role to play in the students’ legal security.
Under the Higher Education Ordinance (1993:100), all first cycle and second cycle courses and study programmes shall be offered in the form of courses. A course must have a course syllabus. Course syllabuses are to be confirmed at the departmental level, which is regulated by the Vice-Chancellor's Delegation of Authority Policy. The formulation is regulated by Rules for course syllabuses at first and second cycle levels.
Ladok Plans
From 15 April 2024, Ladok is to be used when creating and revising course syllabi. To create a new course and syllabus in Ladok one needs to follow a guide in the system which does not follow the same order as is presented in this resource nor in the final course syllabus.
Quality assurance and review
The course syllabus undergoes a quality assurance process before confirmation. There are several stakeholders with different roles in this process. Student representatives will have the opportunity to present their views on the course syllabus during some stage of the process. The course evaluation carried out by students following a course is one of the most important quality assurance instruments for confirmed course syllabuses.
Initially, a Swedish syllabus must always be created in Ladok. An English version can be added while creating the Swedish version or after the Swedish version is completed.