Course title and scope | The PIL Unit

Course title and scope

These web pages serve as a resource for those writing course syllabuses.

PLEASE NOTE: Gubas has been replaced by Ladok

Previously, course syllabuses at GU were created with the tool Gubas. Since April 2024, course syllabuses are instead created in the national system Ladok, which has gained new functionality. The information in this web resource has been revised to match the new functionality.

Course title

A course must always have both a Swedish and an English title. Information about the number of credits must be stated in connection with the course title in both Swedish and English. Other information such as education cycle and form of study are stated under other headings elsewhere in the syllabus. The course title should reflect what the course is about and should be formulated so that it reflects the key parts/core of the course without being too detailed. It should be possible to revise minor details in the course’s content without having to create a new course as it is not possible to make subsequent changes to the course title. However, misspellings, misplaced modifiers and incorrect translations can be corrected.

It should be possible to understand the course title without knowing what subject area or department the course belongs to. The course title should also provide future employers with clear information about what they may expect in terms of the students’ knowledge and skills.

Scope of the course

Here the number of higher education credits covered in the course should be stated. The scope of the course, expressed in higher education credits, should reflect the work effort expected of the students. The basic rule is that one week’s full-time study corresponds to 1.5 higher education credits. It is not possible to make subsequent changes to the number of higher educational credits associated with a course.