The course level, subject group, main fields of study and modules | The PIL Unit

The course level, subject group, main fields of study and modules

These web pages serve as a resource for those writing course syllabuses.


Gubas and Convertus can no longer be used to create new syllabuses; you can only use them to view existing syllabuses and reading lists. On April 15, 2024, Gubas Kursplan was replaced by the national system Ladok. Read more about the transition here (login required). This web resource has been revised to correspond with the new functionality.

LADOK code for the course

Only one unique course syllabus and one unique course code may be linked to a course, regardless of whether the course is part of a program and/or given as an independent course at the same time. If a course is to be given both as a regular course and as contract education, two separate course plans with individual course codes are required. It is not possible to make subsequent changes to the course’s LADOK code. The course will be allocated a new course code if significant changes are made. This always applies when changes are made to the title, number of higher education credits, education cycle, and when changing the main fields of study.

Level within study regulation

Specify whether it is a first cycle or second cycle course. A course can only belong to one education cycle. It is not possible to change the educational cycle after the syllabus has been finalised. If the education cycle needs to be changed, a new course syllabus with a new course code must be confirmed. Expected learning outcomes, course content, teaching, and examinations at a second cycle level should be characterised by a higher level of independence, complexity, personal responsibility, intellectual maturity, and competence compared to first cycle courses.

Subject group

All courses are to be given a subject code stating the field of education to which the course belongs. State the relevant subject from the list in Ladok. Only the groups of related subjects where the code comprises two capital letters and one number are to be used.

Main fields of study

Where applicable, state the main field(s) of study for the course and the level of specialised study in the main field according to the recommendations of the Association of Swedish Higher Education Institutions (SUHF). Where a course is not part of any main field of study, just state the level of specialised study of the course. The level of specialised study of the course may not be changed. A new course syllabus with a new course code must be established to offer the course at a different level. New main fields of study may be added in connection with the revision of a course syllabus, but existing main fields of study may not be removed.

More information is available here: Main fields of study (

Fields of education

Courses are offered within several fields of education at the University of Gothenburg. One course may belong to several fields of education. Specify the field(s) of education for the course as a percentage. The total must consequently amount to 100. This information does not show up on the final course syllabus.


Modules are assessed course components subject to examination, for example, an on-campus written exam, a written assignment, or a mandatory class. Each course has at least one module. Each module should be specified by name, a code, number of credits, and the module’s grading scale. If there is only one module it should have the same grading scale as the course. Read more under the tab ”Grades”.