Assessment and Examination (PIL303) | The PIL Unit

Assessment and Examination (PIL303)

The overall aim of the course is to enable participants to reason about, plan for, develop, implement, and evaluate various forms of assessment and examination based on literature and professional experience.

In the course, the relationship between knowledge development, teaching, and assessment/examination is highlighted and problematized. The course will also address various implications of different forms of assessment and their role as exercises of public authority. Furthermore, comparative aspects of assessment issues are applied, with a particular focus on comparisons between disciplines, institutions, and traditions.

Course leader: Janna Meyer-Beining
Send email to Janna | Janna's presentation page

Co-teacher: Linda Borger 
Send email to Linda | Linda's presentation page

Scope: The course comprises the equivalent of 3.5 weeks of full-time studies.

Syllabus PIL303 (pdf)

Reading list: The current reading list will be available on the web page Litteraturlistor för PIL-enhetens kurser / Reading lists for the PIL unit's courses no later than eight weeks before the course starts.

Admission principle: We apply the admission principle "first come, first served", based on the time and date when a complete application is submitted.

Before you apply, you need to have your participation approved by your head of department.

The course is held during spring terms. It alternates between English and Swedish. In the spring of 2025, the course is held in English.

Fee for not using an allocated place

An allocated place on any of our courses is offered for free, on condition that it is used. Read more about the fee for not using an allocated place

Spring 2025

Start date: Tuesday 4 February
Other course dates: See schedule for PIL303

About course certificates

PIL303 is a certification course. All course meetings and assignments are mandatory and require attendance. In some cases, it will be possible to submit a supplementary assignment that corresponds to the meeting or assignment missed. To be approved for a certificate, you must also achieve the learning objectives in the course syllabus.

PIL303 was introduced on January 1, 2021 as a replacement for the credit course HPE303, which was then phased out. The content and basic structure of PIL303 are the same as for HPE303, and the course gives the same eligibility.