Form of teaching
These web pages serve as a resource for those writing course syllabuses.
PLEASE NOTE: Gubas has been replaced by Ladok
Previously, course syllabuses at GU were created with the tool Gubas. Since April 2024, course syllabuses are instead created in the national system Ladok, which has gained new functionality. The information in this web resource has been revised to match the new functionality.
Overall form of teaching
The first important issue is the overall form(s) of teaching for the course. There are basically three terms for describing forms of teaching within the higher education sector: on-campus teaching; distance education; and web-based distance learning. A course is presumed to be an on-campus course unless otherwise stated. Consequently, the two other forms must be specified in the course syllabus. If the course will be offered in several different ways, the instruction for the various forms must be described, e.g. blended learning. If the course is taught in another language than Swedish, this language must be stated.
Format and form of teaching
Describe briefly how the teaching is structured and the main forms of instruction. Examples of forms of instruction include lectures, seminars, workshops, case studies, simulations, project and problem-based teaching, individual supervision, group supervision, master classes, role-play, fieldwork, laboratory work, maths jams and project-oriented teaching, case methods, group work, placements and fieldwork, work experience, excursions, project-based and teaching based within research environments, clinical skills training and, auscultations.
Teaching may also mean that students are given practical assignments such as writing reports, papers, essays, keeping logbooks, process or project journals and holding public presentations, exhibitions, or performances. Please note that if a form of teaching includes an examined component, this must also be stated under “Examination formats”. For example, this applies to courses where there is a requirement for compulsory attendance during the teaching component as this consequently forms part of the examination for the course. If the wording 'compulsory attendance' is used, the student must be informed of what is being examined.
State the language in which the course is taught.