Content | The PIL Unit


These web pages serve as a resource for those writing course syllabuses.


Gubas and Convertus can no longer be used to create new syllabuses; you can only use them to view existing syllabuses and reading lists. On April 15, 2024, Gubas Kursplan was replaced by the national system Ladok. Read more about the transition here (login required). This web resource has been revised to correspond with the new functionality.

About course content

The course’s subject content is to be provided here in brief. Here you can indicate, in general terms, the areas within which the course aims to provide students with knowledge and skills. The course content should focus only on the content and not what the student should do or get by attending the course. It should also be remembered that most students (usually) learn (much) more during a course than is covered in examinations. The description of the content is to be directly related to the course’s expected learning outcomes. However, unlike the expected learning outcomes, which are formulated in terms of ‘thresholds’ for passing grades, the course content, and the knowledge that the course intends to impart through its content, format, and teaching may be described here in a slightly freer and more ambitious way. The expected learning outcomes are rather precise and examinable formulations of the course’s most central knowledge and skills.

If the course is divided into sub-courses (also known as “modules” in the rules for syllabuses), each sub-course should be specified by name, content, number of credits, and the sub-course’s grading scale. If a comprehensive revision of the course content is made, a new course and a new course code should be established.