Course literature
These web pages serve as a resource for those writing course syllabuses.
PLEASE NOTE: Gubas has been replaced by Ladok
Previously, course syllabuses at GU were created with the tool Gubas. Since April 2024, course syllabuses are instead created in the national system Ladok, which has gained new functionality. The information in this web resource has been revised to match the new functionality.
The syllabus includes a reading list and/or a list of other relevant course material. The list(s) should be prepared and published in Ladok as an appendix to the syllabus. The appendix can be established later than the syllabus, but not later than 8 weeks before the start of the course, to enable the recording of course literature for students with a need for recorded material. The reading list should, as far as possible, indicate the approximate number of pages and, where appropriate, other relevant learning material.