Decision and confirmation
These web pages serve as a resource for those writing course syllabuses.
PLEASE NOTE: Gubas has been replaced by Ladok
Previously, course syllabuses at GU were created with the tool Gubas. Since April 2024, course syllabuses are instead created in the national system Ladok, which has gained new functionality. The information in this web resource has been revised to match the new functionality.
- When confirming the course syllabus, the decision-maker must request that a gender equality perspective be considered in the preparation of the course content and design.
- The syllabus should be established and available to students no later than eight weeks before the start of the course and must be established and available to students no later than two weeks before the start of the course.
Decision maker
Choose the department responsible for the course from the list in Ladok.
Decision date
State the decision date for the confirmation of the syllabus.
Date of entry into force
State the date from which the syllabus will take effect.
Valid from semester
State the semester from which the syllabus will take effect.
Registration number
State the registration number for plans for the organisation.
Collaborating department
State if other departments participate in the course.