Course evaluation | The PIL Unit

Course evaluation

These web pages serve as a resource for those writing course syllabuses.


Gubas and Convertus can no longer be used to create new syllabuses; you can only use them to view existing syllabuses and reading lists. On April 15, 2024, Gubas Kursplan was replaced by the national system Ladok. Read more about the transition here (login required). This web resource has been revised to correspond with the new functionality.

Purpose and feedback

The purpose of course evaluations is to improve our courses. Course evaluations also constitute a key component of student influence. Feedback to students is central to ensuring functioning course evaluations. An important part of feedback is compiling the results of the course evaluation. Rules for course syllabuses at first and second cycle levels (pdf) state: "Specify how the course is evaluated, and how the results of the course evaluation are communicated to students. The results and any changes in the course structure are to be communicated to the students who completed the evaluation and to students who are about to begin the course."

Read more about course evaluations

Guidance for Course Evaluation (2024) offers useful guidelines.