The PIL and Open University seminar series | The PIL Unit

The PIL and Open University seminar series

PIL invites you to a series of seminars in cooperation with Open University (UK).

For information about upcoming seminars, please visit the Swedish page: Högskolepedagogik – en seminarieserie i samarbete med Open University

Started in the autumn of 2017, the seminar series aims to disseminate and discuss research on teaching and learning in higher education.

The seminar series is arranged in cooperation between PIL and Open University, an English distance learning and research university. The university administration is based in Milton Keynes, about 45 miles (72 km) north-west of London. Open University and PIL take turns in planning the content of the seminars.


  • The first seminar in the series took place on 16 October 2017, with Robert Farrow as speaker. Title: The Ethical Complexities of Openness.
  • The second seminar took place on 24 January 2018. Max Scheja held the presentation Understanding Students’ Learning Processes as a Starting Point for Scholarship of Teaching and Learning.
  • The third seminar took place on 16 May 2018. Patrick McAndrew held the presentation Improving teaching through scholarship.
  • The fourth seminar took place on 6 November 2018. Anne Algers and Linda Bradley held the presentation Scholarship of Teaching and Learning – similarities and differences in disciplines.
  • The fifth seminar took place on 30 January 2019. Simon Cross held the presentation The 'Place' of Mobile Learning? Patterns of use, changing study habits and emerging opportunities. 
  • The sixth seminar took place on 7 May 2019. Kate Lister held the presentation The evidence base for inclusive and accessible practice: what we know and what we need to know.
  • The seventh seminar took place on 18 September 2019. Liisa Uusimäki held the presentation Internationalisation in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education.
  • The eighth seminar took place on 20 November 2019. Kristen Reid held the presentation Open learning in the 21st century: Flexible and lifelong.
  • The ninth seminar took place on 4 February 2020. Andreas Moberg held the presentation "You get what you pay for": true or false?
  • The tenth seminar took place on 31 March 2020. George Curry and John Butcher held the presentation What can be done to widen participation: lessons from Access scholarship.
  • The 11th seminar took place on 2 September 2020. Marisa Ponti held the presentation Peer-to-Peer Learning in Higher Education.
  • The 12th seminar took place on 15 September 2020. Carol Edwards, Mychelle Pride and Rob Tumilty held the presentation Methodologies and methods in co-creation scholarship projects.
  • The 13th seminar took place on 19 January 2021. Tim Coughlan and Kate Lister held the presentation Mapping student journeys as a means to understand experiences and enhance support.
  • The 14th seminar took place on 28 April 2021. Annika Bergviken Rensfeldt held the presentation Mentoring and leading academic careers into scholarship, research and administrative positions – from a mentor and department management perspective.
  • The 15th seminar took place on 10 June 2021. Tim Lowe and Carlton Wood held the presentation Online examinations.
  • The 16th seminar took place on 7 September 2021. Agnes Nurbo and Therése Skoog held the presentation Understanding and developing higher education practice based on quantitative surveys.
  • The 17th seminar took place on 17 November 2021. Naomi Moller (Faculty of Social Sciences, Open University) held the interactive seminar To hell with facts! We need stories! The promise of qualitative story completion as a method for higher education research and scholarship.
  • The 18th seminar took place on 26 January 2022. Petra Angervall (University of Borås) held the presentation Alternative research publishing strategies – risks, opportunities and unexpected results.
  • The 19th seminar took place on 18 May 2022. Sue Pawley, Cath Brown, Chris Kubiak and Liz Hardie (Open University) held the presentation Building connectedness and belonging in online learning environments: Exploring possibilities.
  • The 20th seminar took place on 28 September 2022. Christina El Saidi and Emma Karin Brandin (from the Unit for Academic Language, ASK) held the presentation Supporting teachers in working with student writers: collegial student writing and peer response work.
  • The 21th seminar took place on 23 November 2022. Jane Cobb and Adele Creer (Open University) held the presentation Tutors' assessment feedback under the spotlight.
  • The 22th seminar took place on 8 February 2023: Encarna Trinidad (Open University) held the presentation Enabling students to engage with and understand academic integrity principles.
  • The 23th seminar took place on 20 September 2023: Academic integrity 2.0: Re-developing a self-study course for students writing with sources with Christina El Saidi and Lisa Larsson.
  • The 24th seminar took place on 29 November 2023: Generative AI in Learning, Teaching and Assessment: Navigating the opportunities and challenges with Mychelle Pride (Open University).
  • The 25th seminar took place on 28 February 2024: Flipping the Flipped Classroom? Challenges and possibilities of the flipped classroom with a heterogenous student group with Patrik Vulkan (Department of Sociology and Work Science).
  • The 26th seminar took place on 8 May 2024: The impact of extended reality and a live physiology webcast on students’ learning experiences with Ben Langdown (Open University).
  • The 27th seminar took place on 22 October 2024 and consisted of two presentations on the topic of feedback. Gerry Howley and Ximena Arias-Manzano (Open University) gave the presentation Video feedback for assignments: The emotional impact of hearing the tutor. Anna Thorén (PIL) gave the presentation Peer feedback – supervising by means of Padlet.
  • The 28th seminar took place on 27 February 2025. Sarah Davies (Open University) gave the presentation XR (eXtended Reality) and Accessibility. Gunnel Hellgren, Camilla Hesse and Ruth Wickelgren (Institute of Biomedicine) gave the presentation The Virtual Laboratory – an interactive teaching material to support Biomedical Laboratory science students' clinical training.