Courses offered in Swedish | PIL-enheten

Courses offered in Swedish

Most of the PIL courses are offered in both English and Swedish, but some are only offered in Swedish.

Högskolepedagogik 1: Baskurs (PIL101)

("Teaching and Learning in Higher Education 1: Basic Course")

From spring 2023, PIL101 is held in the form of modules. Most modules are offered both in Swedish and English. Also, most modules are offered both on campus and online.

Högskolepedagogik 2: Områdesspecifik pedagogik (PIL102)

("Teaching and Learning in Higher Education 2: Subject Field Pedagogy")

PIL102 is taught in Swedish as campus courses in cooperation with six of the faculties at University of Gothenburg. (The course is also taught in English in cooperation with the Faculty of Science and the IT Faculty. There is also a faculty-independent course in English.)

Högskolepedagogik 3: Självständigt arbete (PIL103)

("Teaching and Learning in Higher Education 3: Applied Analysis")

PIL103 is taught in Swedish as a campus course. (The course is also taught in English as an online course.)

Handledning i forskarutbildning (PIL201)

("Supervision in Postgraduate Programmes")

PIL201 is taught in Swedish as a campus course. (The course is also taught in English as an online course.)

Handledning för erfarna handledare i forskarutbildning (PIL202)

("Supervision for the Experienced Supervisor in Third Cycle Education")

PIL202 is taught as a lunch-to-lunch course with follow-up meetings. At this point, the course is only taught in Swedish.

Breddad lärarkompetens: Bedömning och examination (PIL303)

("Professional Teaching Skills: Assessment and Examination")

PIL303 is taught as a campus course. Every other year it is taught in English, every other year in Swedish.

Breddad lärarkompetens: Handledning av uppsatser och examensarbeten (PIL304)

("Professional Teaching Skills: Supervision of writing
assignments and degree projects")

PIL304 is taught as a campus course. At this point, the course is only taught in Swedish.