Lästips inom området akademisk hederlighet och plagiering.
- Abasi, A. R., & Akbari, N. (2008). Are we encouraging patchwriting? reconsidering the role of the pedagogical context in ESL student writers' transgressive intertextuality. English for Specific Purposes, 27(3), 267-284.
- Asia Pacific Forum on Educational Integrity.University of South Australia. (2005-). International journal for educational integrity [Elektronisk resurs] IJEI. [Mawson Lakes, S. Aust.: University of South Australia]. Tillgänglig:
- Bradley, C. (2011). Plagiarism education and prevention: a subject-driven case-based approach. Oxford: Chandos Publishing.
- Carroll, J. & Zetterling, C. (2009). Hjälp studenterna att undvika plagiering = Guiding students away from plagiarism. (Första utgåvan) Stockholm: KTH Learning Lab.
- Heckler, N. C., Forde, D. R., & Bryan, C. H. (2013). Using writing assignment designs to mitigate plagiarism. Teaching Sociology, 41(1), 94-105.
- Henriksson, A. (2008). Att förebygga plagiat i studentarbeten: en pedagogisk utvecklingsmöjlighet. Uppsala: Uppsala universitet.
- Howard, R. M. (1995). Plagiarisms, Authorships, and the Academic Death Penalty. College English, 57(7), 788–806. doi:10.2307/378403
- Newton, F. J., Wright, J. D., & Newton, J. D. (2014). Skills training to avoid inadvertent plagiarism: Results from a randomised control study. Higher Education Research and Development, 33(6), 1180-1193.
- Pecorari, D. (2013). Teaching to avoid plagiarism: how to promote good source use. Maidenhead: Open University Press.
- Vardi, I. (2012). Developing students' referencing skills: A matter of plagiarism, punishment and morality or of learning to write critically? Higher Education Research and Development, 31(6), 921-930.