Creating a Course Policy for Generative AI | PIL-enheten

Creating a Course Policy for Generative AI

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The widespread use of generative AI applications has raised challenging questions among university teachers. While some wonder if students will use these technologies to cheat, others query whether these tools can support teaching and learning in higher education. Whatever a teacher's perspective on the value and permissibility of generative AI, it is becoming increasingly clear that the way forward is the creation of policies regulating the use of GenAI in coursework and examinations. Based on the university’s Guidance for teachers on using generative AI in education and examples of policies developed by teachers across GU, this seminar provides teaching staff with tools and support in creating generative AI policies for their courses. This time, the seminar will be held in SWEDISH.

2 apr 2025
10:00 - 12:00
Pedagogen Hus A, room A2 316, Västra Hamngatan 25
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Mattias von Feilitzen
PIL Unit